Thursday, 24 February 2011

Here is my latest project I'm working on in college.

We had to put words to a photo and make it personal to us,the top photo is called 'peace glove' which also has my tattoo in,ye its Chinese for 'peace', the next one down is a self portrait of myself and the theme being 'behind blue eyes' hence the lyrics from the song by Limp Bizkit. Finally the one above is a photo i took of my mate Rhiannon and using handwritten letters i scanned them on her hands just like the top piece (peace) so this photo is called 'courage'.The names are based on what the writing is about. 'Behind blue eyes' has still got some minor work to be done it so not exactly finished yet.


These were taken this morning and within the past two days.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

Ive signed up to do the race for life on 3rd of July in aid of cancer research,it starts at 10.30 am at Blackheath common.feel free if anyone would like to sponsor me =)

I found this cool effect using bulb mode on my Sony A100,check it out! now my boyfriend looks well awesome =p
Ive been really enjoying my wide angle lens though =D

Doing the most boring thing ever at college at the moment it's just photoshop skills and things =/
mainly to do with surrealism,we have to put the college in some scenario.Heres mine anyways...

so we have the college on the beaches of Normandy D-Day and then the college is on fire (a very controlled fire) next to the great wall of China, not bad I s'pose but just not my style.