Wednesday, 26 January 2011

Once again remember to check out our jackie chan fan group and join =D!/pages/Fans-of-Jackie/177503682282599
fu dogs
                                            dream catchers
and mess!
so pleased today as my camera lens came through the post this morning and its awesome! It's a wide angle lens and you can get some wicked effects with it which im yet to come across.

Thursday, 20 January 2011

Join our Jackie Chan community fan group...!/pages/Fans-of-Jackie/177503682282599

loads of pictures and videos,we encourage people to make friendswith other fans and enjoy,feel free to join and post =)

First post :)

I am not puting up my photography yet until i have watermarked my images. of my first two idols must be put up on my first post!

ooooooooh ye how can robert downey jr not revieve a golden globe!

and then finally my all most favourite idol who i've been a fan of for about 5 years,,,the one and ...JACKIE CHAN!