Monday, 11 July 2011

Yes I do have a DeviantArt but only joined this week so not really filled up.
Here it is anyways,

Sleep deprivation photographyDimmer lighting

I called this sleep deprivation because I couldn't sleep last night so I was up until 4am doing photography in my room, so why not add a little humour even though I'm literally dead today.
Dimmer lighting 

My  favourite dream catcher hanging on my bedroom light

2 out of 14 from my ever growing camera collection

This technique I used here Is called painting with light and is done by outing the camera on Manual then bulb mode,once that's done then just have fun and move the camera around in any direction and the light will follow like this until you let go of the shutter button.

Same here except I wrote 'Zen' with the camera...I AM LENS OF ZEN!
This is one of my favourite photos I have taken this summer, I don't know why I like it so much, I think because of the soft colours and depth of field.
These Rugby photos were of Bexley's last game of the season so I s'pose I had to take photos hehe but as always...they lost!

OK! I really need this bag for all my lenses when I go on location and gigs, would be much safer than what I'm using now.I better start saving.

Passing train and reggae busker in wide angle on Regents Canal,Camden. 

BLESS! This wee little squirrel was so cute so I couldn't resist whacking out the 'ol camera.

Passing Goods train at Bexley station,to get the train like this put a mask on it then motion blurred it and changed the blue on colour variations.

With this I just done some simple editing just for fun even though it looks a bit cheese. xD

Wide angled shot of passing river boat on Regents Canal and increased contrast.

Wide angle passing train whilst I was on a moving train myself,slightly increased green on colour variations. I have come to the conclusion that trains are actually fun to photograph.
As you may all can tell I havn't been on in a while due to the fact that I've been really busy with college etc. BUT I'M BACK!!!!!!!.......and felt like a random layout change woop woop, most probably change it again soon. xD
 Portrait of Adam in Black&White

Adam and his Katie (guitar) ye we are so awesome we name our guitars

My reflection through Adam's awesome aviators 

This Is one of my favourite portraits of Adam because It looks very natural,he's not looking at the camera and you can't look any cooler with a trilby and aviators ;)

SuperChan's Jackie Chan Blog

Just found an awesome new blog,all Jackie Chan fans check out SuperChan's Jackie Chan Blog !

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

 These are just some more prep work for my fmp.

 Its only little but it's showing off the uniform and getting trying out the different lighting settings.
The two black and white converted photos have been edited in a way that creates depth-of-field in the photo which of course means that the Jeep in more emphasized and background is slightly blurred.

 To blur the background slightly you highlight the background using the marquee tool on photoshop then go to surface blur.I put the threshold on full on surface blur on around 8-12.
Once the blur is complete you will immediately notice the emphasis on the subject,then you need to increase light levels and contrast but not too much otherwise it will drastically look false and almost like a little toy model which is actually and photoshop technique called tilt shift.

Monday, 23 May 2011


 Here are some photos from my FMP photo shoot,as you can see the them I'm is military so I managed to get my college mate to help out and dress in my brothers Royal Marine outfit,the dressing Isn't perfectly done but these are just some test photos not the final.

For my final on the other hand is going to be big! I'm actually going to try and re-create a war scene so keep looking to see how it goes =D